Embracing Slow Living with Kids: Tips For Raising Mindful Children

In today’s fast-paced world, the concept of slow living has gained immense popularity among adults seeking respite from the chaos of daily life. But what about our children? Can they also benefit from the principles of slow living? Absolutely! Teaching kids to embrace a slower, more mindful way of life can help them develop important life skills and foster a deeper connection with the world around them. In this blog post, we’ll explore some valuable slow living tips for kids, inspired by the sweet children’s book, “Bear Becomes Aware.”

  1. Introduce Mindful Moments: Slow living begins with mindfulness. Encourage your child to take a few moments each day to simply be present. Inspire your kids to observe the beauty of nature, whether it’s through watching clouds, listening to birdsongs, or observing the changing colors of leaves.
  2. Embrace the Joy of Simple Pleasures: Slow living is all about finding joy in simplicity. Share with your children the delight of simple activities like drawing, reading, or baking together. Help your little ones find happiness in the little things, like the warmth of the sun on or the sound of a babbling brook.
  3. Disconnect to Reconnect: In our digitally connected world, it’s crucial to teach kids the importance of unplugging. Encourage device-free time, especially during family meals or outdoor adventures.
  4. Nurture Patience: Slow living teaches us the value of patience. Teach your children to be patient when waiting for things, whether it’s waiting for cookies to bake or a special event. The best way to teach patience is leading by example!
  5. Explore the Outdoors: Nature is the perfect teacher of slow living. Take your children on nature walks, hikes, or camping trips. Let them experience the wonders of the natural world.
  6. Encourage Reflection: Slow living invites us to reflect on our experiences and emotions. After a day of play or exploration, encourage your child to reflect on what they learned or felt. This practice helps them connect with their inner selves. Prompt the dialogue by asking questions like “what was your favorite part of the day and why?”
  7. Read “Bear Becomes Aware”: Finally, consider reading “Bear Becomes Aware” together as a family. This enchanting children’s book tells the story of a bear’s journey to slow down and discover the beauty of life. It can serve as a wonderful conversation starter and a source of inspiration for your slow living journey with your children.

In conclusion, slow living is a valuable concept to introduce to children, and “Bear Becomes Aware” provides a heartwarming example of this philosophy in action. By incorporating these slow living tips into your family’s daily life, you can help your children develop a deeper appreciation for the world around them and foster a sense of contentment that will stay with them throughout their lives. Happy slow living!

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Fun Fall Festivities To Do With Your Kids & A Free Autumn Printable Bucketlist

As the leaves start to turn vibrant shades of red and gold, and a crisp breeze fills the air, it’s time to celebrate the magic of fall with your kids. This season offers a multitude of opportunities for both fun and learning. So, grab your scarves and boots, and let’s dive into some fantastic fall activities that will create unforgettable memories and inspire young minds.

1. Explore a Pumpkin Patch:

Visit a local pumpkin patch and let your kids choose their own pumpkins. While having fun, you can also delve into the science of pumpkin anatomy. Talk about the life cycle of a pumpkin, its parts (stem, skin, flesh, seeds), and how it grows.

2. Create Leaf Art:

Go on a nature walk and collect colorful fall leaves. Once you’re back home, use the leaves to create beautiful leaf rubbings or leaf collages. This activity introduces kids to leaf science and teaches them about different tree species.

3. Bake Pumpkin Treats:

Get creative in the kitchen by making pumpkin-themed treats like pumpkin pie, pumpkin muffins, or pumpkin pancakes. This is a great way to incorporate math (measuring ingredients) and science (watching ingredients transform when cooked).

4. Build a Scarecrow:

Work together as a family to create your very own scarecrow. This hands-on project teaches kids about teamwork, creativity, and even a bit of engineering as you figure out how to make the scarecrow stand.

5. Go on a Leaf Hunt:

Organize a leaf hunt in your backyard or at a nearby park. Challenge your kids to find leaves of different shapes, sizes, and colors. Afterwards, identify the types of trees they came from using field guides or online resources.

6. Fall-Themed Storytime:

Curl up with some fall-themed books. Consider classics like “The Pumpkin Book” by Gail Gibbons for pumpkin exploration or “Leaf Man” by Lois Ehlert for a creative leaf journey.

7. Create a Fall Bucket List (or print the one below):

Involve your kids in creating a fall bucket list. Include activities they’d like to do, places to visit, and new things to learn. This not only sparks excitement but also encourages them to set goals.

8. DIY Leaf Press:

Collect leaves, press them between heavy books, and create a DIY leaf press. This can serve as a leaf identification tool, a perfect companion for future nature walks.

9. Visit a Farm or Orchard:

Take a trip to a local farm or apple orchard. Kids can learn about different farm animals, the apple-picking process, and even enjoy a hayride.

10. Leaf Pile Fun:

After raking leaves, let your kids jump into a big leaf pile. It’s a classic fall activity that never gets old. Plus, it teaches them about physics (force and motion).

11. Go Apple Picking:

Enjoy the crisp autumn air while picking apples at a local orchard. Make it a learning opportunity by learning about the life cycle of apples and their anatomy!

12. Fall Activity Pack:

Discover our fun fall activity pack, featuring creative crafting projects such as “Craft Your Fall Picnic,” “Decorate a Pumpkin Patch” and much more! Engage in hands-on fun as you use the fall-themed watercolor picnic accessories, to pretend play making an aesthetic picnic as well as using the scarecrow, pumpkins, and much more to craft a pumpkin patch.

12. Nature Scavenger Hunt:

Organize a scavenger hunt in a nearby forest or park. Create a list of items for your kids to find, such as acorns, pinecones, mushrooms, or specific bird species. It’s an adventure in exploration and observation.

13. Autumn Crafts Day:

Set aside a day for creative autumn crafts. You can make leaf lanterns by pressing leaves between wax paper, create pinecone animals, or design your own fall-themed greeting cards. This promotes artistic expression and fine motor skills. 🍁

14. Fall-Themed Science Experiments:

Conduct hands-on science experiments at home related to fall. For example, explore the concept of buoyancy by making mini apple boats or investigate the chemistry of changing leaf colors using vinegar.

15. Seasonal Family Photo Shoot:

Take advantage of the picturesque fall scenery and have a family photo shoot. Let your kids be photographers too, capturing their unique perspectives on the beauty of autumn and your family!

16. Campfire Cooking Night:

Plan a campfire cooking night in your backyard. Roast marshmallows for s’mores, cook hotdogs on sticks, and tell stories around the campfire. This activity combines culinary skills with storytelling traditions.

17. Leaf Identification Adventure:

Take your kids on a leaf identification adventure. Collect leaves from various trees and use field guides or smartphone apps to identify them. It’s a lesson in botany and nature appreciation. 🍂

18. Harvest Your Own Garden:

If you have a garden, involve your children in harvesting the last of the summer crops or planting fall vegetables. If you don’t have a garden, visit a local farm or community garden! They’ll learn about gardening and the changing seasons.

19. Outdoor Art Gallery:

Transform your backyard or a part of your home into an outdoor art gallery. Let your kids display their fall-themed artwork, and invite friends and family for a mini art exhibition. It’s an opportunity to share creativity! My favorite is making leaf people!

20. Maple Syrup Adventure:

Depending on your location, fall can be the perfect time to learn about maple syrup production. Visit a local sugarbush and see how maple syrup is made from tree sap. It’s a sweet science lesson!

21. Family Yoga in the Park:

Find a peaceful spot in a local park and practice family yoga. Embrace the tranquility of the season and teach your kids the importance of mindfulness and relaxation.

22. Fall Movie Night:

Host a family movie night with a lineup of classic fall-themed films, such as “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” or “Hocus Pocus.” Afterward, discuss the themes and lessons from the movies or do a fun themed craft!

23. Fall Foliage Drive:

Plan a scenic drive to enjoy the breathtaking fall foliage. Research the best routes in your area and make it a family road trip. Discuss the changing colors and why leaves change in the fall.

Kids fall autumn books

Fall is a season filled with wonder, and these activities will not only provide fun but also valuable learning experiences for your kids. So, grab your fall bucket list and immerse your family in the beauty and knowledge this season brings. Happy fall adventures!

Family fall autumn bucket list activities
Get the fun & educational fall & Halloween activity packs to make fall fun educational!

Passive Income For Moms: How I Stay Home Full Time As A Single Mom (Travel & Homeschooling)

Motherhood is a journey filled with challenges, but it also presents opportunities for creativity and innovation. In this blog post, we’ll delve into my journey, a single mom who traveled the US full-time, acquired a farm, and homeschooled my children, all powered by various passive income streams. Through methods like blog posts with affiliate links, a self-published children’s book, online courses, and online bundle collaborations, I found a way to balance financial stability with a flexible lifestyle. Let’s explore how moms everywhere can kickstart the process of generating passive income from the comfort of their homes.

Starting the Adventure: Balancing Wanderlust and Responsibilities

The idea of combining motherhood with travel may seem like a daunting challenge, but it’s a journey that can bring fulfillment. As a mom who embarked on an epic adventure from Oregon to the enchanting landscapes of the east coast, I discovered the art of building a business while soaking in the sights with my two daughters. This adventure wasn’t just about exploring new places; it was about exploring how as a mom, I can weave the fabric of income and passionate pursuits while being present as a mother.

Picture this: the three of us, setting out from Oregon with a van packed full of excitement and essentials. As we journeyed across the country, we embraced the awe-inspiring landscapes, historical landmarks, and cultural gems that the US has to offer (and mostly hung out amongst the trees of many different forests). From the rugged terrains of the Rockies to the charming streets of small towns, every moment was an adventure. Through it all, I used my phone as not just a means to capture memories, but as a tool to build my business and forge a path to passive income. No seriously I built my business from my phone, I didn’t even have a computer.

Moms, hear this: the digital age has opened doors to a new way of blending entrepreneurship with motherhood. Armed with our smartphones and laptops, we can dive into the world of passive income without compromising our roles as caregivers. And no, I am not about to tell you to join an MLM, I’ve actually never done that. As I navigated the journey of travel and entrepreneurship, I learned that it’s possible to create blog posts, manage affiliate links, and interact with potential customers, all while sharing new adventures with my daughters.

Building a passive income stream doesn’t mean being tied to a desk; it means taking moments that might be spent scrolling or watching a show to instead share your passions. It means using the moments when your child is engrossed in a new discovery to craft a compelling blog post that resonates with your audience and your own passions. It means transforming travel experiences into valuable content that not only captures memories but also captures the interest of your readers.

Let’s embrace the journey of building passive income while cherishing the moments we spend with our children. From the west coast to the east coast and every destination in between or abroad, let’s show the world that it’s possible to be both present at home and actively pursuing our dreams.

Unlocking Passive Income: The Magic of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing might sound like a complex concept, but at its core, it’s a powerful way to turn your recommendations into a source of income. As we delve into the world of passive income, let’s demystify affiliate marketing and explore how it’s not only beneficial but also aligned with your niche and audience.

Grasping the Concept and its Benefits

Imagine this: you’re sharing a story about your journey from Oregon to the east coast with your readers. Alongside the narrative, you seamlessly weave in recommendations for products and services that have enhanced your travels. Now, imagine if every time a reader clicked on one of those recommendations and made a purchase, you earned a commission. That’s affiliate marketing in action.

The beauty of affiliate marketing lies in its simplicity. You become an advocate for products you genuinely believe in, and by sharing these recommendations, you’re not only helping your readers but also earning a passive income stream. It’s a win-win situation where your authentic content translates into tangible rewards.

Selecting Aligned Affiliate Products

Just as your journey is unique, so is your audience. When selecting affiliate products, it’s crucial to align them with your niche and the interests of your readers. If you’re a mom who’s explored various camping sites during your travels, recommending camping gear and accessories could be a natural fit. Your readers trust your insights, and by introducing them to products that resonate with their interests, you’re enhancing their experience while generating income.

Crafting Authentic and Compelling Content

Authenticity is the cornerstone of successful affiliate marketing. As you craft your blog posts and content, focus on telling your story and sharing your personal experiences. Describe how a particular product enriched your travels, how it solved a problem, or how it added value to your journey. You’ll better connect with readers as well as get to share your story to help others.

I’ve found platforms like ShareASale.com and Amazon affiliates to be invaluable partners in this venture. By joining affiliate programs on these platforms, I’ve gained access to a plethora of products that align with my journey and resonate with my audience. Whether it’s a travel gadget, a self care tool, or a book for homeschooling, these platforms have allowed me to seamlessly integrate recommendations into my content.

As you explore the world of affiliate marketing, remember that your passion and authenticity are what will set you apart. Crafting content that resonates and genuinely connects with your readers will not only enhance their experience but also create a sustainable passive income stream for you. So, let’s journey further into the realm of online income, where your recommendations become not only a source of value but also a source of financial empowerment.

Get the 70+ page guided workbook Passive Income For Moms

Nurturing Dreams: Transitioning from Traveler to Homesteader

As the wheels of adventure transition from the open road to the rural landscape of homesteading, a whole new chapter unfolds. From the bustling highways to the serene tranquility of a farmstead, your journey continues, backed by the support of your passive income sources. Let’s explore how these streams of income can turn your dreams of farm life into a reality and how to harmonize homeschooling, farm responsibilities, and your ongoing income ventures.

Supporting Rural Aspirations with Passive Income

Homesteading embodies a slower, more intentional way of life, and your passive income streams can be your steadfast companions on this journey. As you cultivate the land, tend to animals, and create a haven for your family, the income you generate through affiliate marketing, online courses, and collaborations can continue to grow, potentially providing the financial stability to nurture your farmstead aspirations.

Balancing Homeschooling, Farm Life, and Income Ventures

Homesteading and homeschooling share a common thread—the desire to shape your children’s lives with hands-on experiences and personalized education. With your passive income ventures, you can strike a harmonious balance. The flexibility that passive income offers allows you to dedicate time to both teaching your children and managing the responsibilities of your farm. Your ability to create your schedule ensures that you can be present for the everyday moments that matter most.

Discovering the Flow in Slow Living

Transitioning from a traveler to a homesteader brings forth a unique kind of harmony. The unhurried rhythm of farm life fosters an environment where you can truly immerse yourself in your passions and discover untapped potentials. This slow pace has allowed me to delve deeper into my interests and find innovative ways to monetize them. For instance, I’ve created online courses to help other mothers find their flow in the art of motherhood. By sharing my experiences and insights, I not only contribute positively to the lives of other moms but also generate a sustainable income stream.

As you nurture dreams of farmstead life, let your experiences guide you in crafting content that resonates with fellow homesteaders and parents. Your journey, filled with the ups and downs of life on the land, can become a source of inspiration and learning for others, creating another avenue for passive income.

In this tranquil landscape, where each day brings you closer to the land and your family’s growth, remember that passive income is more than just financial support—it’s a testament to your dedication and creativity. It’s a reminder that dreams can be nurtured even in the midst of daily responsibilities. So, continue to sow the seeds of your passions, reap the rewards of your efforts, and inspire others to find their flow, just as you’ve found yours.

Initiating Passive Income: A Guide for All Moms

The prospect of generating passive income might feel like uncharted territory, but with the right guidance, determination, and a sprinkle of creativity, you can embark on this journey successfully. In this section, we’ll break down the essential steps to kickstart your passive income generation, help you identify your strengths and interests for potential income streams, and show you how effective time management and self-care can be your allies on this path.

Breaking Down the Essential Steps

Initiating passive income might seem complex, but it all begins with taking that first step. Whether you’re a single mom, a homeschooling mom, or pursuing your passions, the process remains universal. It starts by identifying your strengths and passions, finding the right platforms, and crafting content that resonates with your audience. As you gradually build your presence, income streams like affiliate marketing, online courses, and collaborations become avenues to secure financial stability.

Harnessing Your Strengths and Interests

Every mom has a unique set of strengths and passions that can be transformed into valuable income streams. Just as I found my calling in providing resources for motherhood and homeschooling, you too can tap into your expertise. Whether it’s cooking, crafting, fitness, or any other area you excel in, there’s an audience eager to learn from you. Like my Unschool with Confidence Workbook, you can create guided resources that cater to the needs of fellow moms, establishing both your passionate support and a extra income source.

Effective Time Management and Self-Care Strategies

Balancing the demands of motherhood, personal pursuits, and generating passive income requires effective time management and self-care strategies. Set clear boundaries to allocate time for your endeavors, ensuring you’re fully present in each role. Incorporate breaks and self-care rituals to recharge your energy and maintain your well-being. Remember, your journey to passive income is a marathon, not a sprint, and nurturing yourself is vital to its success.

Unlocking Your Passive Income Journey with Guided Support

As you embark on this journey, consider leveraging resources that provide guided support. My Passive Income for Moms Workbook has been designed with you in mind. It’s a roadmap that simplifies the process, offering actionable steps and insights that enable you to hit the ground running. This workbook is your companion, helping you navigate the intricacies of affiliate marketing, self publishing, and more, so you can start generating income while staying true to your passions and responsibilities.

Remember, just as you guide your children in their learning and growth, you have the power to guide your financial future. Embrace your uniqueness, make room for self-discovery, and utilize the resources at your disposal. With determination, perseverance, and the right strategies, your journey to passive income can transform your life in ways you never imagined. So, let’s step into this chapter of financial empowerment together, and make those dreams a reality.

Is There A Right or Wrong Way To Parent? Intuitive Parenting

There is so much to debate around parenting. There are endless choices to make – different styles, techniques, “tricks,” ways of disciplining, and so much more. But what if those choices don’t matter? What if there is not a right or wrong way to parent? Stay with me here, don’t worry, I’m not suggesting it’s fine if people are neglectful of their children.

A friend and I had a long conversation about how overwhelming motherhood can be. Before becoming mothers, a lot of us have an idea of what motherhood will look like, but it can be challenging when reality doesn’t match up (you can read more about realistic expectations of motherhood here). While I was very shocked by how challenging I found motherhood as a new mother, looking back, it makes sense. How can we know how to parent our child when we don’t know who our child is?

We get ideas about what parenting is – guidance, discipline, teaching, and love. But these ideas make the assumption that our child is an empty vessel for us to pour into, but anyone that’s been around children knows each kid comes with their own unique way of being. Research even backs up the theory that children are born with personality traits and differing temperaments. Some kids are happy to play alone and are often quiet, while some cling to your leg screaming all the time. No two kids are the same, and therefore, should not be parented the same.

Ok, so kids are different, why can’t we parent them the same?

Well, the short answer is, you can.

But it won’t feel right and it wouldn’t be in the best interest of the child (look into the concept of goodness of fit for more info on this).

The more you grasp for answers outside of yourself, the more you follow what others say you should do, and the more you parent from the ego (decisions based on what might make you feel embarrassed or proud & taking your child’s behaviors personally), the more you’ll feel disconnected.

It doesn’t matter the style of parenting you want to do, what matters is what makes you feel aligned and connected as a mother (or parent).

Parenting disconnect is easy to recognize – you have a lot of guilt, you often feel like you’re failing, you are typically overwhelmed, parenting doesn’t feel fun and most days, feels like a challenge. While parenting intuitively won’t solve all your problems, it will, without a doubt, allow you to feel more present and connected as a mother.

“Learn to trust it, trust your intuition, and in good time, answers to all you seek to know will come, and the path will open before you.”

Caroline Joy Adams

What Is Intuition?

Intuition is the ability to know something without analytic reasoning, bridging the gap between the conscious and non-conscious parts of our mind (Forbes). We all have gut feelings and science is now reaffirming the importance and value of listening to your “gut instincts” or intuition in daily life.

Scientists believe intuition operates through the entire right side of our brain, the brain’s hippocampus and through our gut (digestive system has neurons as well).


How To Start Parenting Intuitively

When you have parented by all the “shoulds,” it can be challenging to make the switch to intuitive parenting. Getting in touch with our intuition and listening to it can take practice and patience. It is totally normal to need to check in with yourself to decipher if you are parenting from a place of fear and judgment or from the gut. As I began making the shift, I utilized meditation, journaling, podcasts, and alternative parenting/motherhood books (read some of my favorite books for gentle/alternative parenting here) to help me get more aligned and connected to my intuition.

This post may contain affiliate links. As an affiliate, I may receive a small stipend for any purchases made on links with no additional cost to you.

Resources To Help With Intuitive Parenting

My favorite parenting books

Intentional Parenting Challenge

Sacred Motherhood: An Inspirational Guide and Journal for Mindfully Mothering Children of All Ages


Research has shown that expressing your thoughts and emotions in your journal can enhance your emotional intelligence.

Psychology Today

GreenMamaLife Facebook Page

Earth Mama Get Ready For Summer Sale

You may also like: When I Am Not Being The Mom I Want To Be, 6 Reasons Why You Need to Stop Commenting On My Parenting – Natural Parenting, 5 Tips For Attachment Parenting, and The Peaceful and Intentional Mom Challenge

How Your Morning Routine Controls Your Life

We all have different ways of starting our day – some of us try to have a very intentional routine while others linger in bed scrolling, and most of us have experienced both. Starting our day with intention has a monumental impact on our productivity, mood, and overall well-being.

I’m sure it comes as no surprise, but the way you start your day is the way your day will go. Our perspective determines how we feel about the day and if we start the day with a feeling of “I’m exhausted and don’t want to do anything” it will surely linger throughout the day slowing us down and making our daily tasks feel like an annoyance. While on the other hand, if we start our day with gratitude and the intention of being happy, our day is much more likely to be full of positivity.

This post may contain affiliate links. As an affiliate, I may receive a small stipend for any purchases made on links with no additional cost to you.

Benefits of A Morning Routine

Creating a morning routine can impact our mood, our productivity, our creativity, and our overall mental health. Not only does the routine itself help relieve stress because you don’t need to make choices each morning and you know what to expect, but the intentional time each morning can have monumental effects on our well being and personal growth.

Researchers have found that routine can have far-reaching psychological benefits, including alleviating bipolar disorder, ADHD, and insomnia.


Tips For An Effective Morning Routine

What your morning routine consists of will alter its effectiveness. These practices will allow your routine to improve your mental health, overall wellness, and personal growth.

Schedule your day research on morning routines

Practice Gratitude

Gratitude has been defined as an emotion or state resulting from awareness and appreciation of that which is valuable and meaningful to oneself.

Psychology Today

When you’re focused on the good, it’s a lot harder to be upset when things don’t go the way you hoped. Practicing gratitude can bring us joy by seeing all that is good in our lives.

Gratitude can change your brain and overall emotional state. When you wake up each day and think about what is good in your life, you shift your selective attention. You train your mind to focus on the positive.

Psychology Today

If you don’t know where to start or feel silly you can start really simple by just making a list each morning of 5 things you are grateful for. I am grateful for my cozy home, I am grateful for warm coffee, I am grateful for the birds singing outside, I am grateful for nutritious food, and I am grateful for the opportunity to reflect on life. You can also try guided gratitude journals or gratitude cards. Do your best to really feel the gratitude and joy with each statement. The more you do it, the easier it will get!


Meditation is a practice used to train your brain to control your thoughts and focus (usually on your breath). It is often defined as a tool to heighten your state of awareness. Meditation is great way to start your day refreshed and gain control of your thoughts and intentions.

One study found that 8 weeks of mindfulness meditation helped reduce anxiety symptoms in people with generalized anxiety disorder, along with increasing positive self-statements and improving stress reactivity and coping


There are endless guided meditations you can try. One of my favorites is Breathe People (not an affiliate). These meditations are very helpful for releasing stress, tension, and creating a sense of calm. You can also try just sitting and focusing on your breath. Breathe in. Breathe out.

For more information and guidance on meditation I recommend Practicing Mindfulness and Quick Calm.


Journaling is the act of writing in a journal– you can write about your feelings, about a memory, about your day, or about your hopes and dreams.

Research has shown that expressing your thoughts and emotions in your journal can enhance your emotional intelligence.

Psychology Today

When we write about our hopes and dreams, it can actually help those dreams happen. You can create a mental rehearsal by writing your dream: a practice of feeling and planning what your dreams will look like and how they will make you feel when they happen.

According to research on mental rehearsal, once we immerse ourselves in that scene, changes begin to take place in our brain. When we are feeling the emotions of our future — whether that’s gratitude, joy, freedom, abundance, enthusiasm, love, and so on — the creative thoughts in your mind can become the experience. As the body receives the chemical signals of these emotions, essentially the body is receiving the signal that the event has already occurred.

— Dr. Joe Dispenza

Plan & Set Intentions

Plan your day! Create a schedule, decide how you’ll feel for the day, and set intentions. Planning and setting intentions can happen while journaling, you can write to do lists, you can choose some affirmations for the day, and organize your thoughts and schedule.

For example, if you are wanting to eat healthier, set the intention that you will nourish your body with healthy foods and plan ahead by preparing healthy meals and snacks.

Do you have a morning routine? What are your favorite parts? What do you want to add to your morning routine?

As I’ve gotten older, time feels like an increasingly rare commodity, so I try to be more mindful of how I use it.

Liz Fooslien

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